Call for Speakers
Leverage NC is a partnership established in mid 2020 of the NC League of Municipalities, NC Department of Commerce's Main Street & Rural Planning Center, NC Department of Cultural Resources' State Historic Preservation Office, and the NC Downtown Development Association.
We aspire to build economic development capacity in every town or city across the state. Our goal is to offer education and training substance that every town can utilize. We are leveraging our unique resources and field specific expertise to benefit towns and cities across the State and developing free and accessible curriculum. Live webinars are converted to videos that live on Leverage NC's website. Other pre-recorded educational videos are available, too. By working together, we can improve access to resources and increase the awareness of proven practical, implementable economic development activities.
join our line up
Do you have a topic you would like to share with NC communities? If so, we would like to consider you as a future speaker.
Sessions Must:
Be relevant to community enhancement, economic development, or best planning practices
NOT be used as a form of advertising
Please fill out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!
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